»Visions and New Roles for National Cultural Venues«

»Visions and New Roles for National Cultural VenuesÂ...

Mo. 05.09.2011
Di. 06.09.2011

»Visions and New Roles for National Cultural Venues«

Architekten, Stadtplaner, Künstlerische Leiter

Two seminars (please find the names of all participants on our website).

In connection with their current exhibition »Flagships of Culture – Neue nordische Kultur­häuser« (New Nordic cultural venues), the Nordic Embassies in Berlin have invited Nordic architects, city planners and cultural center executives, along with German experts, to discuss outstanding individual works of architecture and their impact on today’s city development and cultural life.

Prestigious cultural buildings can become landmarks in a city’s structure and influence urban architecture in general, both aesthe­tically and technically (e.g. regarding energy efficiency, acoustics, innovative materials, etc.). They can also set an example for the development of entire urban areas, such as transforming old waterfronts into new public spaces.

With a close look at the six Nordic buildings, along with German projects like Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie, the discussion will focus on various stages of the planning and building process.

The Nordic Embassies in Berlin invite you to an interesting debate with international colleagues. Due to limited capacity, we kindly ask you to register via e-mail: info@nordischebotschaften.org. Please indicate which day(s) you would like to attend.

Im Felleshus der Nordischen Botschaften
rauchstrasse 1
- 10787 Berlin

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13-17 Uhr
+49 30 - 5050 2000
Weitere Infos:
Diskussion | Konferenz / Tagung | Symposium

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