
NEST 9: Reny Worb | For Use in Japan Only

Reny Worb

Reny Worb gives us a glimpse behind the scenes of Japanese culture. She has photographed some two hundred homeless inhabitants and their shelters in K... mehr

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DynamiCity | Tactics for a Changing Metropolis

Chora, Actar Arquitectura, Stalker/ON, Atelier Bow

"DynamiCity - Tactics for a Changing Metropolis" assembles four groups of architects who have developed a new approach to and visual language for urba... mehr

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Architecture of the night

The exhibition "Architecture of the Night" presents the history of artificial light in architecture as well as raising the current issues connected wi... mehr

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4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam


IABR and NAI on the Future of the City
The main exhibition at the 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Open City: Designing Coexistence... mehr

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